innoSHARE NETwork

access to the future with Poland Innovative Foundation

Join to innoShare Network

innoSHARE NETwork is an access to..

global innovators network

future & innovation environment

business & R&B consultants

innoSHARE NETwork


Innovators, entrepreneurs, brokers and scientists in one network will be available for you 24/7


Your needs will be our needs. We will help you develop your business, R&D works and startup.

Tools and solutions

Slack community + newsletters

We provide for our innoSHARE NETwork community dedicated

Slack channel where you will get ACCESS to our team and all inno-community.

Concierge services

You are asking - we are providing.

Our concierge specialists will help you to define and manage your needs.

After that our consultants will deliver all your inno-needs.

Meetings and events

All members of our community will have an access to our events, meetings for free or with attractive discounts.

Also as community we will negotiate the best prices for events and meetings worldwide only for innoSHARE NETwork community.



$9,99 - monthly $99 - annualy (2 months free)
  • Slack community
  • Newsletter
  • Discounts for community services
  • Discounts for members only services
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$9 - monthly $99 - annualy (2 months free)
  • Standard package
  • Concierge services
  • Access to our consultants
  • Dedicated match-making
Contact us!


$149 - monthly $1490 - annualy (2 months free)
  • Business package
  • Sponsorship status in all our events and meetings
  • Individual support
Contact us!
"Networking is a lot like nutrition and fitness: we know what to do, the hard part is making it a top priority."

Want to join us?

Are your ready to invest in ACCESS to the future? - write us!